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USPCA in Newry say dumping of three kittens ‘devastating’

Abandoned cats Newry

The USPCA in Newry say they are “truly shocked” after a three kittens were dumped in the area.

Earlier today (Friday), a member of the public came into their centre on the Carnbane Industrial Estate, along with the three kittens (pictured) and the mother cat.

According to the USPCA, the mum and her kittens were healthy, tame and there was a strong indication that the mother cat was owned.

After chatting to the person, it was agreed that the cat and kittens would be brought back to where they were found.

Later in the day another person contacted the centre as they believed they had witnessed kittens being dumped.

A spokesperson for the USPCA Newry said: “Our staff member went outside to investigate and sure enough heard kitten cries a few yards away. The same kittens had been dumped and the mother was nowhere to be seen.

“We don’t know if mum cat was kept or if she ran away but either way, these kittens are now separated from their mother at just three weeks old and mum cat will be scared and confused without them.

“The kittens are safe with us, but we would like to find out if anyone recognises them. The mother cat was a short haired black and white cat.

“Cats have the right to roam, and for this reason it’s crucial that they aren’t displaced if they aren’t in any immediate danger. They know the area they roam in, they know where their food sources are and they are aware of the hazards. There is also a very good chance they are owned!

“If a mother cat and kittens are together, they need to stay together for at least 8 weeks. If you try and handle kittens before this time, there is a chance the mother will abandon or even kill them. So the situation we are in now is devastating.”

If you have any information please callĀ 028 3025 1000 or send us a private message the Facebook page here if you have any information.

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