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Vital £160,000 flood alleviation scheme to protect 27 homes in Newry

A £160,000 flood alleviation scheme at the Greenan Road, Newry has commenced.

Once completed the scheme will reduce the flood risk to 27 residential properties, some of which are known to have flooded in the past.

The scheme will involve culverting a 40 metre section of open watercourse, upgrading 120 metres of existing culverted watercourse and the construction of a new culvert inlet structure.

This scheme will ensure that the watercourse infrastructure is brought up to an appropriate design standard and enable the Departments operational teams to safely carry out inspections and maintenance.

Infrastructure Minister, Nichola Mallon said: “I have seen first-hand the devastation and disruption that flooding can bring to communities which is why I am pleased to announce this flood alleviation scheme.

“I hope that the commencement of this work will bring some comfort to the homeowners that will directly benefit from a reduction in flood risk, once this work is complete.’

The works have been programmed to minimise any inconvenience to the public, however, road users should take care in the vicinity of the works and be aware of emerging construction traffic.

The work is expected to be completed by March 2021. All work will be carried out in line with current public health and health and safety advice, with safe systems of working in place for staff and contractors.

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