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Woman who assaulted five police officers in one ‘appalling’ incident fined £350

She kicked out at officers, attempting to bite one and trying to headbutt another

A woman who assaulted five officers, attempting to bite and headbutt two of them, has been ordered to pay a fine of £350.

The 24-year-old’s barrister told court the police had been called to his client’s address following a “domestic incident” between she and her partner, but accepted that her behaviour toward them was “appalling”.

Kataryzna Irena Jakubowska, of Larchmont in Newry, appeared for sentencing on disorderly behaviour, resisting police and five counts of assault on police at the city’s Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday.

Prosecution outlined that on October 3, at around midnight, police were called to a report of an alleged assault at an address on Larchmont, Newry.

Officers arrived and had to separate this defendant from another party. She reacted by becoming hostile and aggressive.

Jakubowska went outside the property and began shouting in her native tongue and despite being warned she continued.

Officers attempted to restrain the defendant, at which point she became violent. Jakubowska kicked out at officers, attempting to bite one and trying to headbutt another.

Limb restraints were used to get the defendant under control as she was arrested and taken to Banbridge Custody Suite.

Prosecution informed court that there were no injuries, with most officers receiving kicks to the chest and legs by Jakubowska.

Defence solicitor Justin Bryne stated: “This very unfortunate incident was as a result of a domestic incident with her partner… the officers are said to have noted dried blood on her nose.

“However, her behaviour thereafter was appalling. This is a Polish lady who has lived in Northern Ireland for three years. She has no record so this would appear to be uncharacteristic.”

Deputy District Judge Anne Marshall said: “You may well be a victim but that does not excuse your appalling behaviour towards the police. It is completely unacceptable.”

Jakubowska was ordered to pay a fine of £350, along with the offender’s levy of £15, within 12 weeks.

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