There has been one further death as a result of Covid-19 in Northern Ireland.
It brings the total loss of lives to date to 537.
Meanwhile, the Department of Health has also confirmed a further 14 people have tested positive for coronavirus.
The latest figures cover the past 24 hour period and come after the Department of Health published guidance on the coronavirus restrictions.
The Executive announced on May 28 that guidance on the regulations would be published and this is now available on the Department of Health website.
The guidance sets out in one document what the restrictions mean for individuals, for businesses and for other bodies including faith-based organisations.
Publishing the guide, Health Minister Swann said: “We have made good progress in Northern Ireland in reducing the spread of infection.
“This has been achieved largely by our community abiding by the restrictions and following the public health advice on social distancing and good hand and respiratory hygiene.
“We still have some way to go but people’s willingness to do the right thing gives me confidence that we will keep moving in the right direction to bring the epidemic under control.
“The restrictions that have been imposed have affected every aspect of people’s lives and they are complex. Strangely enough, each time we remove restrictions, the picture gets more intricate and more nuanced.
“People are worried. They want to keep safe, protect others and get their lives back. They want to live as freely as possible within the constraints that have been imposed.
“It’s all the more important that people can easily access, in one place, a clear, authoritative, plain-English guide to what they are not permitted to do, and what the Regulations expressly allow them to do.
“That is what this guidance does.”
The guidance also sets out the current public health advice including social distancing, hand hygiene and respiratory hygiene.