Sinn Fein’s MPs say they will not be accepting the £10,000 increase in expenses to work from home.
The money, available to all MPs, has been approved to allow MPs to continue to fulfil their roles under these circumstances.
But Sinn Féin MP Chris Hazzard has said his party will not avail of the £10,000 increase in office cost allowances introduced by the British Government.
Mr Hazzard said: “As an Irish Republican political party which stands on a platform of Irish unity and which does not take our seats in the British Parliament, Sinn Féin MPs do not receive any salary from Westminster.
“This proposal to increase the office cost allowance by £10,000 is not an increase in MP or staff salary, but an uplift in office cost allowance for ensuring a constituency service can continue to operate remotely in these times of crisis and to meet the needs of constituents.
“Sinn Féin MPs will not avail of this increase.”