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Police warn motorists against letting others drive illegally

Police in Co Armagh have warned motorists who allow others to drive their vehicles without the proper documentation that they will be prosecuted.

It comes after the successful conviction of two people following an incident last year.

Police on patrol in the Bridge Street area of Portadown on Wednesday, July 31, observed a man using a handheld mobile phone while driving. Further checks revealed the 33-year-old had no insurance or driver’s licence.

During enquiries it was established that the car belonged to the partner of the man who had given him permission to drive her vehicle. The car was seized.

The 33-year-old man was charged and convicted at court of driving with no insurance or driving licence and driving whilst using a handheld mobile phone. He was disqualified from driving for one year and fined £375.

The 32-year-old female owner of the car was charged and convicted at court of permitting no insurance and permitting no driver’s licence. She received six penalty points on her licence and was fined  £215.

Constable Cavanagh, Brownlow Neighbourhood Policing Team, said: “We hope these convictions send a clear message to motorists that it is never permissible to let somene else drive your vehicle if they are not  properly insured and documented.

“Not only will the driver of the vehicle face charges, but the owner will also be subject to penalties and will face the very real prospect of having your car seized.

“We want to ensure our roads are safe for everyone and we will continue to target those who ignore the law.”

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