Plans have been submitted to Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council for the erection of 24 apartments on vacant lands formerly used by Thompson Aero Seating at the Eden Avenue area of Portadown.
The plans – lodged in the name of Michael Hannath of Ambleside Property Services Ltd – outline that the apartments will be set within six two-storey buildings proposed for lands immediately adjacent to and south of 19 and 20 Eden Avenue and 13 Carrickblacker Avenue, and approximately nine metres west of 8 and 9 Roslyn Avenue, Portadown.
Proposals also seek permission to allow for parking for 46 vehicles, nine more than the 37 required as per the published standards. These additional nine car parking spaces will be available to visitors to the existing housing on Eden Avenue.
Permission is also being sought for a private amenity space, hard and soft landscaping works and all associated site works.
Additionally, there is a stipulation that the buildings will be ‘future proofed for wheelchair access’ and the design concept outlines that landscaping will include ‘planting belts to soften housing blocks’ and ‘boundary planting to soften privacy fencing’.
As Eden Avenue is currently ‘stop ended’ with no existing turning facility for traffic entering the residential road a turning facility will be introduced to enable larger service vehicles to be able to turn within the proposed site.
Surface water and foul sewage from the development – covering an area of approximately 0.5 hectares – will be disposed of through mains sewer system.
The application is due to be advertised shortly.