A Co Armagh man who had “too much alcohol” on St Patrick’s Day has been fined after a fight broke out at Portadown Railway Station.
Ruaira Kevin Kelly, 31, of Parkside in Portadown, was fined a total of £500 after appearing before Craigavon Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday.
The court heard that police were called to the train station in the town after a fight broke out between two men, one of which was the defendant.
Despite police trying to separate the pair, Kelly continued to struggle with officers, and acting aggressively towards them.
Court also heard how he stuck one of the officers in the stomach as he continued to shout and swear.
Defence claimed he had too much alcohol, to which District Judge Bernie Kelly interjected, saying that alcohol was no excuse whatsoever.
Counsel stated that Kelly apologised for the incident and that it was a case of the aggression from the fight rolled over onto the arresting officers.
“It would have been a busy day on the railway with a lot of people travelling, I am hopeful no travellers were inconvenienced by this,” judge Kelly questioned.
Defence countered that it hadn’t as it was outside the station itself.
The court heard that Kelly has relevant previous but that “it was some time ago”.
He was fined £200 for disorderly behaviour, along with an offenders levy of £15. He was also fined £150 each for assault on an officer and resisting arrest. He was given 16 weeks to pay.