A former police officer who sparked a major investigation after claiming he was confronted by a lone gunman at his County Fermanagh home has avoided prison.
Thirty-seven-year-old, Craig Moffitt, with an address given as PSNI Mahon Road, Portadown who has since resigned, claimed a woman informed him that a named man had “arranged to have him done in” then a few days later make the false report of the gunman.
Offending occurred between December 29, 2019 and January 3, 2020.
At Dungannon Crown Court, sitting in Belfast, prosecution counsel said not only did Moffitt make a PSNI intelligence report claiming to have been told he would be assassinated, “he followed this up by doubling down” and making an emergency 999 call that a gunman was at his home.
An attempted murder investigation was immediately launched during the early hours of January 2, 2020 in Kesh, which resulted in the dramatic arrest of a male, who was later released without charge.
At the time the PSNI said a lone gunman dressed entirely in black pointed a shotgun directly at the officer.
He raised the alarm after allegedly noticing movement outside his home, and on opening the door to check, encountered the masked male.
The gun, it was claimed, failed to fire and the male fled on foot over fields in the direction of a football club.
Police attended the scene stating: “Organised criminal elements may be responsible”.
Within hours a Detective Chief Inspector confirmed a thirty-seven-year-old male had been arrested.
She told a news conference: “We firmly believe that this disturbing incident was a failed attempt to kill a local police officer. There are no words to describe those who would creep through the dark of night with nothing but death and destruction on their minds. Their actions stand in stark contrast to those officers, including their intended target, who everyday police our communities with dignity, respect and courtesy.”
Assuring the investigation would be “thorough and robust”, the detective added police were keeping an open mind as to the motivation behind the attack, however, a primary line of inquiry was that organised criminal elements may have been responsible.
The male was swiftly released when it was established he was not responsible and Moffitt’s reports were false.
Defence counsel said his actions were: “A cry for help while his mind was warped by alcohol. It appears he wanted to engender sympathy from other individuals.”
Judge Brian Sherrard told Moffitt: “This was a serious offence which carries a potential of life imprisonment. Your motivation is unclear but in seems likely you were somehow trying to impress or gain sympathy from a female colleague with whom you were in a relationship, although you deny that.”
He continued: “The fact that this emanated from a police officer is highly significant and your actions were in breach of the duty of trust placed in you by our community.”
However, taking into consideration the immediate acceptance of guilt at court and Moffitt’s previously clear record, Judge Sherrard decided the 16 month prison sentence he imposed could be suspended for three years.
Around a year after the incident, it was discovered the investigation was quietly closed.
A PSNI spokesperson said: “Enquires into the attempted murder investigation have concluded and the matter closed pending any further evidence. The man arrested following this incident is no longer a subject of this investigation.”
Separately, it emerged Moffitt had been leading an investigation into a case of perverting the course of justice at the time of the alleged incident.
He was subsequently replaced and it was later confirmed he was no longer a serving officer.