Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council’s planners are currently considering an application to build six office ‘pod’ units in Portadown.
Lodged by DA Architects Ltd on behalf of applicant CIDO, the application seeks to install six office ‘pod’ units to create additional office accommodation, relocate an existing container unit store and provide a new refuse storage enclosure at i2 CIDO innovation centre at 73 Charlestown Road.
The application also seeks permission to make ancillary site works including additional car parking.
The 0.1945 hectare site is currently home to the existing i2 innovation centre office accommodation and the pods will be new buildings.
Surface water collected as a result of the application will be disposed of via individual stone filled soak-away pits while in the new car parking extension storm drains will connect to existing storm drainage system.
Foul sewage will be disposed of via the existing foul drainage system.
According to the application document, the development is expected to see an increase of 13 vehicles attend the site on a daily basis. This is broken down into 10 staff vehicles and three visitor/customer vehicles.
The increase in vehicle numbers is expected to result in an increase in the number of people attending the premises on a daily basis with a further 24 people expected. This is broken down into 20 employees and four others attending the site.
The application was received on Friday, January 28 and validated on Sunday, February 27.
It will be advertised until Friday, April 8.