NI Water and our project team from BSG and McAdam have reached a key milestone in the extensive multi-million-pound Meadow Lane Wastewater upgrade project in Portadown.
With the new pumping station nearing completion adjacent to Meadow Lane East Car Park, commissioning of the new wastewater infrastructure is due to get underway later this month.
The first step in the commissioning process is to bring the flows from the new large diameter sewer into the new pumping station. Speaking about this key phase of the project and the associated traffic management requirements, Lisa Hughes, NI Water Senior Project Manager said: “The Meadow Lane Wastewater Upgrade has seen the installation of extensive new infrastructure that will deliver important environmental benefits in Portadown. We are pleased to be at the commissioning phase of the project which will start with the new large diameter sewer before focusing on the new pumping station elements.
“The commissioning of the new sewer is largely weather dependent and will involve short periods of work at each of the areas where the new pipeline was installed and where it connects to the existing network. The traffic management required to undertake this work will be similar in nature to the previous pipelaying arrangements, with short lane closures around each of the working areas for approximately one week.
“The first section of work is due to take place on Meadow Lane adjacent to the service area of the health centre, week commencing Monday 17th February. The north-bound lane of Meadow Lane and adjacent footpath will be closed at this point for approximately one week. Access to the main Healthcare Centre Car Park will be available from both Thomas Street and Bridge Street. Access to properties on Meadow Lane between Bridge Street and the entrance to Portadown Boat Club will be available from Bridge Street direction only.
“Following this section – and again subject to favourable weather conditions – commissioning works will move to the Meadow Lane/Portmore Street area; the access road to Meadow Lane East Car Park and finally to Tavanagh Avenue, adjacent to the Baptist Church Car Park towards mid-March.
“Signage will be in place to notify/direct motorists and in addition to local letter drops, notice of each section of work will be relayed via NI Water’s social media channels.”
Thanking stakeholders for their continued support, Lisa continued: “As we embark on this key phase of the project, NI Water, BSG and McAdam remain grateful to the local community, wider public and other stakeholders for their ongoing patience and support throughout this major wastewater network upgrade.
“When fully commissioned by summer 2025, this significant NI Water project will reduce the risk of out-of-sewer flooding, help support local development and deliver extensive environmental improvements in the Portadown area.”