A pedestrian was knocked down in Portadown town centre on Sunday night.
Emergency services were called to the scene on High Street – at the junction with Bridge Street and Castle Street – shortly after 9.20pm.
A police spokesperson told Armagh I: “Officers received and responded to a report of a single vehicle road traffic collision involving a pedestrian in the High Street area of Portadown shortly after 9.20pm on Sunday, July 23.
“Colleagues from the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service (NIAS) also attended and treated the pedestrian for injuries which are not believed to be serious at this time.”
A man in his 20s was cautioned at the scene for careless driving.
A spokesperson for NIAS said: “The Northern Ireland Ambulance Service received a 999 call at 9.19pm on Sunday 23 July following reports of an incident on High Street Area, Portadown.
“NIAS despatched two emergency crews to the incident. Following assessment and initial treatment at the scene, one patient was taken to Craigavon Area Hospital by ambulance.”