SDLP MLA Dolores Kelly has launched the party’s public petition against cuts to the health service and schools.
The ongoing failure to restore power sharing institutions is having a significant impact on resource allocations in critical services.
Dolores Kelly MLA said: “With public services facing further cuts as budget black holes deepen, our health service and our schools are being plunged into crisis.
“We hear more about it virtually every day. Patients, the elderly and our children are forced to pay the price for a political failure. That is the dangerous and unacceptable reality.
“It doesn’t have to be like that. When so many of us endorsed the Good Friday Agreement we never thought it would be like this.
“The SDLP believes that a deal to restore power-sharing is possible if the political will exists. That’s why we’re fighting back.
“We’re calling on others to join us.
“Join us and fight back against cuts to our hospitals, our health service staff, our schools and our public services.”
The public petition can be signed at the local SDLP office or online at www.tinyurl.com/resistcuts