Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council’s planning committee has approved plans for a further 13 social housing homes to be built in Portadown.
Lodged by Rolston Architects on behalf of applicant Arbour Housing, the application seeks permission to build 13 social houses at lands 50m north west of 34-36 Ballyoran Manor on the Drumcree Road.
Earlier in the evening the committee approved plans for eight social houses to be erected at a separate plot 105m north west of 34-36 Ballyoran Manor.
This application is seeking permission to bring 10 three-person, two-bedroom semi-detached homes; two five-person, three-bedroom semi-detached houses and one five-person, three-bedroom wheelchair house to the site with no changes to the road layout.
The officer’s report notes the application makes minor amendments to the house types for the site compared with a previously approved application.
At the committee meeting on Wednesday, April 5, members were advised no consultee objections had been received in relation to the proposal. However, five third party objections had been submitted.
The concerns from objectors included fears the proposal would impact upon the existing infrastructure within Ballyoran Manor; the construction would pose health and safety concerns for children within the existing development; a loss of wildlife and habitat; additional pressure on sewage infrastructure and concerns the proposal would add to flooding issues within the immediate area.
Having considered these concerns, officers noted no statutory objections were received in relation to the application and stated the principle of development on this site is acceptable as it is within the development limit of Craigavon on land zoned for housing.
The 0.5 hectare site is accessed from Ballyoran Manor, an existing residential development and the applicant has a fall back position from 2006 that granted permission for 13 dwellings in the same format.
Councillor Sam Nicholson praised the “well detailed” planning report and noting the application is “almost identical to what we have approved earlier” proposed the application was approved.
His proposal was seconded by Alderman Sydney Anderson and the committee voiced its approval.