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Portadown Men’s Shed back to drawing board with plans for ‘home of our own’

Portadown Men's Shed plans

Plans submitted in April to provide Portadown Men’s Shed with a “home of our own” have gone back to the drawing board.

Initial plans for the construction of a two-storey building on a vacant site within lands already occupied by the Men’s Shed have since been withdrawn and replaced with fresh plans for a perhaps more feasible single-storey building.

Related:  Popular Portadown Men’s Shed aim to build ‘home of our own’ to meet growing demand

The application submitted by Mr David Thornton, Secretary of Portadown Men’s Shed, seek the erection of single-storey community building at ‘The Secret Garden’, Eden Villas Park that will “cluster” with the existing sheds thus “filling a gap” between the sheds and garden wall.

The community group’s previous plans would have allowed for a ground floor workshop with the first floor comprising a kitchen, store, washroom, meeting room and balcony contained within an area of 14 metres by 6.6 metres.

The new plans are slightly less ambitious but still offer impressive functionality as the newly proposed single-storey building is set to comprise a workshop, washroom, lobby and kitchen space within the same designated area.

In a supporting statement submitted with the previous plans, Mr Thornton stressed the need for planning approval: “The membership comprises of a cross-community organisation which welcomes a diverse range of men. It focuses on providing a safe and relaxed environment for local men to come together to exchange ideas, develop positive social relationships and create a sense of belonging.

“It provides an opportunity for men to work on meaningful projects, arts and crafts, gardening activities, community projects, projects of their choice in their own time or simply hang out, talk and find companionship and emotional support and a cuppa if that’s all they’re looking for.

“There has been beneficial synergy with the council as the men have been involved with the manufacture of new playgroup equipment as well as running repairs to existing kit.

“Portadown Men’s Shed has been successful in meeting its initial objectives, and in turn this has created a situation whereby space to operate has become an increasingly restrictive factor in the ability to grow.

“This applies specifically to the accommodation of the increasing membership at a physical level as well as finding space for the location of equipment and raw materials.

“It is clear that if the space isn’t available men won’t continue to attend and there is a real fear that the Shed will die rather than prosper.

“Consequently, there is an urgent need to find new premises, preferably on the existing site at Edenvilla.”

The supporting statement adds: “The new building will have adequate workspace to futureproof the Men’s Shed existence in the Portadown locality.”

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