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Shocking pictures show suffering of dogs kept in Co Armagh woman’s care

A County Armagh woman has been banned for life from keeping any animals after pleading guilty to animal welfare offences

Jennifer Wilson, of Churchill Park, Portadown, pleaded guilty at Craigavon Magistrates Court this week to causing unnecessary suffering and to failing to take such steps to ensure the needs of two German Shepherd type dogs in her care were being met.

This case arose from an animal welfare complaint received by Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council in March 2016 about the condition of dogs kept by the defendant.

On investigation of the complaint the Animal Welfare Officer found two German Shepherd type dogs in her care.

One of the dogs, an adult female, was underweight and a male pup – approximately nine months old – struggled to get up due to being extremely underweight.

The dogs were removed from the property, and in council’s care both regained weight and, in time, made a full recovery.

Upon hearing the facts, Judge King ordered a lifetime disqualification from keeping any animals for the 45-year-old defendant and fined her £350, and awarded a total of £969 in costs to the council.

Council’s Head of Environmental Health, Gillian Topping welcomed the court’s ruling.

She said: “The mistreatment of animals in our society is not acceptable. The council welcomes the court’s decision to impose a lifetime ban on people who allow animals to suffer.

“We hope that this case again demonstrates that Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council continues to adhere to a rigorous enforcement policy to ensure full compliance of the legislation.

“I would urge the public to be vigilant and report any suspected cases of mistreatment or cruelty to domestic animals and equines to our Animal Welfare team on 028 3751 5800 or email

“Complaints are investigated thoroughly and, where necessary, formal action is taken, which may include the issuing of improvement notices or, where appropriate, the seizure of animals and prosecution.”

Pictures: The two German Shepherd type dogs in Portadown were found to be extremely underweight by Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council’s Animal Welfare Officer.

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