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Strict bail for Portadown man returned for trial on indecent child images charges

Craigavon Court

A twenty-eight-year-old man accused of multiple charges relating to the making and possession of indecent child images has been returned for trial.

Appearing for a committal hearing was Gerald Malone from Tandragee Road, Portadown who faces 10 charges in total comprising nine counts of making indecent images and a single count of possessing.

While no details surrounding the circumstances of the case were disclosed, the offending relating to making images is alleged to have occurred on August 3, 2022 and involved using Telegram app cloud documents.

The charge of possession relates to 68 indecent images of children and allegedly occurred on August 26, this year.

A prosecuting lawyer told Craigavon Magistrates’ Court there is a case to answer which was agreed by District Judge Michael Ranaghan.

Malone spoke only to confirm his identity and that he understood the charges against him.

He declined to call witnesses or give evidence on his own behalf at this stage in proceedings.

Judge Ranaghan remanded him on £500 bail to appear for arraignment at Craigavon Crown Court next month.

In addition, Malone is banned from all unsupervised contact with children and must possess only one phone with internet access, which must be surrendered to police upon request for examination.

It must also not be solely accessible by fingerprint or facial recognition technology and any pin or lock code must be provided.

The internet search history must not be deleted and any function on the device capable of delectation must not be activated.

Malone must not use any messaging applications which utilise end to end encryption services and is to make any device at his address capable of making or storing digital images (including a camera and a mobile phone with a camera function) available for inspection upon request by police, who may retain them for examination.

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