Two Co Armagh girls will be embarking on a mission to bring aid to the young people of Uganda later in the summer.
Alyson Johnston and Lauren Jones will be travelling out for two weeks in August to work with the charity ‘Abaana’.
Abaana in Ugandan means ‘children’ and the charity was set up in 1998.
Its aim is not only to help the children of Uganda, but also to teach life lessons to young people locally, that if they sacrifice some time and money they can make a huge difference.
DUP MLA Carla Lockhart was delighted to support a coffee morning in aid of their missionary effort to Uganda.
“I am always hugely proud to represent this area when I see young people willing to give of their time to help those less fortunate,” she said.
“The situation in Uganda has been desperate for some time and it is great that there are charities like Abaana which help encourage and empower young people to help out in this way.
“I wish the two girls God’s blessing and safety in their travels and I hope they reap the benefits of their labours.”