Almost £2,000 has been raised in aid of Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children following a Car Show and Drive organised by Richhill Tyre Centre.
Talking to Paul who is responsible for Business Development at Richhill Tyre Centre
“We ran a fundraiser for Royal Belfast Hospital for sick children at the tail end of 2020 and generated over £700, but we have been talking about putting on a car show for a few years now,” said Paul Gwynne, responsible for Business Development at Richhill Tyre Centre.
“So at short notice the decision was made to put on a small fundraiser event in the shape of a show and drive and grab some sponsored prized.
“Without hesitation an array of local businesses got behind the event and I think that really shows the community spirit we enjoy here in Richhill.
“We anticipated 50/60 cars and we’d have been very content with that, but we were astounded when 143 vehicles turned up. Everyone who attended was considerate of our requests and there was an amazing vibe at the show because such a range of vehicles arrived as the photos show.
“Classic, modern, muscle, modified, big rig, motorbike…there was something for everyone. We have already began organising next years event which we hope will attract car enthusiasts for a family fun day out.
“But our primary focus is raising as much money for good causes and building upon the event we’ve created for everyone’s enjoyment.”
Meeting point was Richhill Presbyterian Church where Michael Somerville (boss at Richhill Tyre Centre) put on a fantastic BBQ with all food supplied by Bawn Meats and SuperValu Richhill.
The BBQ was kindly provided by Grouchos on the square.
AC Components and Ali Hewitt Maintenance generously donated their time to marshal the event and ensure the safety of all those attending.
The convoy departed Richhill and headed for Oxford Island where there was a raffle with over £700 in prizes donated by local sponsors.
At time of writing over £1,800 has been raised and more donations are still coming in.
“We want to thank everyone who supported, sponsored, helped out and attended the event,” said Michael
“We are humbled by the kind words and comments, and cannot wait to reveal what we have planned for next year,” he added.