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Police to crack down on ‘car cruises’ in south Armagh in co-operation with Garda

Boy racers

Police and Gardai are teaming up to crackdown on boy-racers in south Armagh after continuous complaints from residents on the border.

Car cruises and anti-social elements have plagued locals living along the Old Dublin Road.

Those complaints prompted the action by both police forces, who said they will continue to monitor the area, in a bid to sort the on-going problem once and for all.

Speaking on the issue previously, Sinn Fein councillor Liz Kimmins said: “Local residents are tormented on a regular basis with the noise from the large numbers of cars that gather in this border area for ‘diffing’ and other criminal anti-social behaviour, including obstructing the road, and disrupting other motorists who are trying to pass through safely.”

“This serious anti-social activity has to be challenged and those engaged in it need to face the full rigours of the law.

“We have to ensure the safety and well being of our communities and ultimately tackling this ‘boy racer’ scourge will, I have no doubt, help save lives.”

And this week police have issued a warning to those involved.

Police have issued a warning to boy-racers plaguing residents in south Armagh

“Drifting and doughnuts are examples of dangerous driving and could result in loss of driving licence,” said a PSNI spokesperson.”

Adding: “Modifications to vehicles must to legal and covered by your insurance policy. The Dublin Road is used by others and is not a race track.”

As for littering, police said, if you’re caught, “it could cost you a tank of fuel”.

They asked that those attending these cruises think about others such as the local residents and businesses.

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