Police in south Armagh say they will be taking a pro-active approach in dealing with boy racers on the Old Dublin Road.
And Sinn Féin councillor Liz Kimmins that commitment will help ensure that the community and roads would be safer and that ultimately it would help save lives.
“Following on-going concerns raised by local residents living close to the Old Dublin Road regarding the anti-social behaviour associated with the gathering of cars in this area, I am very pleased that the PSNI have indicated they will take a pro-active approach to dealing with this,” said councillor Kimmins.
She added: “Local residents are tormented on a regular basis with the noise from the large numbers of cars that gather in this border area for ‘diffing’ and other criminal anti-social behaviour, including obstructing the road, and disrupting other motorists who are trying to pass through safely.”
Speaking on her meeting with the PSNI, councillor Kimmins, added: “I met with representatives from the South Armagh PSNI and raised these issues as a matter of serious concern, and they have advised they will be taking action to deal with this.
“This serious anti-social activity has to be challenged and those engaged in it need to face the full rigours of the law. We have to ensure the safety and well being of our communities and ultimately tackling this ‘boy racer’ scourge will, I have no doubt, help save lives
The local Councillor has requested a joint meeting with PSNI & Gardai representatives to discuss the issue.
She says a meeting will help to formulate “a more efficient cross border approach, as those involved tend to flee across the border when police attend the scene”.
“Whilst the PSNI have said they do work in partnership with the Gardai in relation to criminal and anti social activities, they will as I have requested, arrange a meeting to discuss this specific issue.
“I would also strongly urge anyone who witnesses these events to contact the PSNI on 101 as quickly as possible.”