A former south Armagh primary school is to be given a new lease of life.
The now vacant and derelict St Oliver Plunkett’s PS building on School Road in Forkhill is to be transformed.
It will be central to a new residential development in the village.
The single-storey school building will make way for a three-bedroom bungalow.
The area to the rear of the old school will also accommodate five new homes. These will be a mix of types and sizes.
An application for the works has been lodged with Newry, Mourne and Down District Council for consideration.
The applicant, Rathkeen Properties Ltd, wants to provide a housing boost for Forkhill by bringing what is described as a “brownfield” site into use.
The school is located at 11 School Road.
According to a design and access statement, it has been unoccupied for several years but “still exhibits all the characteristics of a dwelling.”
It adds: “This is of permanent construction, fully intact, has an electrical supply, and existing drainage.”
“All walls are substantially intact, with full visible door and window openings, lintels, a chimney, and an internal fireplace. Rooms remain divided internally.”
“These existing features are all indicative characteristics of a dwelling, and therefore we contend its appearance and condition make it, in principle, a suitable replacement opportunity.”
The area itself already has a mix of old and new residential developments that ‘characterise’ the location.
The properties planned would be in keeping with the area.
The design and access statement advises: “All necessary services are already available in this locality, and access to the public road will not prejudice road safety or significantly inconvenience the flow of traffic. The reduced nature of the existing building means it remains visually less prominent.”
“Considering the existing nature of the school and rear site, we believe the application submitted would be a significant uplift to the area, with all aspects influenced by the surrounding area, and keeping to the existing finishes and design of the former school.”
The proposals will now be advertised shortly.