A planning application for improvements to Tyrone’s Ditches Orange Hall had been turned down a few weeks ago, as access arrangements were unclear – that information has now been given and planning approval granted.
The hall is located at the junction of Tyrone’s Ditches and Mossview Road, between Poyntzpass and Loughgilly.
The approved plans include additional and improved toilet facilities, including a designated toilet for disabled access purposes, and an enlarged front porch area.
Planning officers note in their report: “Approval is sought for an extension to the Orange Hall (to its existing front porch and rear return).
“In addition, the existing curtilage of the hall is proposed to be extended in order to accommodate the aforementioned extension to the hall’s rear return. Given the sloping nature of the site, a retaining wall is proposed.
“In their consultation response with regards to the most recent previous planning application at this site, DfI (Department for Infrastructure) Roads requested clarification regarding the access arrangements.
“While planning officers noted that the application form stated that it was proposed to use an existing unaltered access, the existing and proposed site layout plans did not support this assertion and, on this basis, officers requested clarification and/or information from the agent.
“No response was received from the agent and therefore it was not possible to determine whether the planning considerations regarding access and road safety had been met. The application was therefore refused.
“As part of the current planning application, the agent has submitted an amended proposed site layout plan addressing the above-mentioned previous comments from DfI Roads.
“In their consultation response to the current application, DfI Roads consider the amended site layout plan to be acceptable.”