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Warning after teenagers and young boy found with BB guns in Portadown

Police in Portadown are reminding the public that BB guns and pellet guns can cause serious injury or damage to property if put in the wrong hands.

The reminder follows an incident at Church Street on Tuesday, 26 August when three teenagers and a young boy were found with BB guns in their possession.

Constable Heaney, Portadown Response, said: “In this instance no one was injured or hurt and I spoke to the boys about how dangerous these guns can be. BB/pellet guns are not toys.

Although they are  legal to sell, purchase and possess, and a firearm license is not required, owners have a responsibility to ensure the safety of those around them.

Common sense should govern the use of pellet guns but sadly their misuse is all too familiar to us and includes:

– Aiming or pointing a pellet gun at others.
– Shooting a pellet gun in the direction of other people or property.
– Causing injury or damage to property.
– Shooting a pellet gun at a moving vehicle.
– Shooting a pellet gun in a location where the pellet may endanger others e.g. shooting the gun in a garden where the pellet may pass through a hedge or fence and strike a passer by.
– Possession of a pellet gun by a child or young person too young to fully appreciate their responsibilities or dangers.

Constable Heaney continued: “Parents should be aware that pellet guns are potentially lethal weapons which should not be put in to the hands of children. Anyone who wishes to dispose of a pellet or BB gun can contact us on the 101 non-emergency number.”

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