Molloy, Eithne. Dungannon. The family of the late Eithne Molloy wish to thank most sincerely all those who sympathised with them on their recent sad bereavement.
Thanks to Fr David Moore who celebrated the requiem mass and for his attendance and compassion during Eithne’s illness.
Thanks to all the medical staff of Parkview Surgery, Craigavon Area Hospital, Acute Care Team, Community COPD Team and NI Ambulance Service for their dedicated care provided to Eithne during her illness.
Thanks to everyone who called during the wake, sent mass cards and sympathy cards, telephoned or attended the funeral.
Special thanks to Ann and Bernie for the exceptional care and attention during Eithne’s final weeks and days.
Thanks to the musicians, singers and everyone who took part in Eithne’s funeral mass and to everyone who helped out during the wake.
Thanks to Niall and Lisa from the Gables for the funeral lunch.
Thanks to PJ and Patrick Quinn for the dignified manner in which they carried out the funeral arrangements. And to Michael Vincent for preparing Eithne’s final resting place.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a token of our appreciation.
Eithne’s months mind Mass will be celebrated on Friday September 16, on St. Patrick’s Church Donaghmore at 7.30pm.
Damien Molloy & Family.
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