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The death has occurred of Evelyn Ritchie (Ballenon and Ballylane)


Ritchie, (Ballenon and Ballylane) The congregations, committees and sessions of the above churches deeply regret the passing of Mrs Evelyn Ritchie in her 101st year (In Scotland).

Wife of their former minister, the late Rev. James Ritchie. Both Rev. Ritchie and his wife were held in very high esteem by both congregations.

Evelyn kept in touch with many in the congregations until recently and her concern and interest for them continued for many years after her retirement.

The members would like to express their sincere condolences to Evelyn’s son, daughter and their families at this sad time.

‘Well done, thou good and faithful servant’ (Matt 25 v 21)

Ian Douglas (clerk of session, Ballylane)

Andrew Herron (Clerk of session, Ballenon)

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