This gut-wrenching new political play follows the lives of Bridget, Helen, Martin, Jason, and Tommy – five gay/lesbian people who sought sanctuary and community through the CaraFriend Gay Switchboard – a phoneline dedicated to supporting our hidden LGBTQ+ community in the 1970s.
Charged with the music of the day, and set amidst a storm of anti-gay headlines, Callings dives deep into the struggle for survival which queer people faced on a daily basis, and charts the progress of LGBTQ+ rights at a pivotal moment in our history.
Callings explores how these bright and lively individuals found themselves and each other during oppressive times. In an era when the government attempted to quash their right to love, this group’s sheer existence was an act of resistance and joy.
From rallying against the Save Ulster from Sodomy campaign to celebrating the right to exist won through the Dudgeon vs UK trial, Callings looks at the historical challenges faced by LGBTQ+ communities, and celebrates just how far we’ve come.
Funded by the Arts Council of Northern Ireland, Belfast City Council and the Garfield Weston Foundation. In association with Carafriend NI and Outcomers.
This event takes place in our Studio Theatre with an unreserved, tiered seating layout.
Saturday February 19, 2022
8.00pm | £14.50 | £12.50 [conc]
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