All posts tagged "ABC Council"
6 years ago
New signage and bins in pipeline as efforts continue to improve public facilities along Callan River
New signage and bins will be a future step on a concerted effort to improve public facilities along the Callan River...
6 years ago
Memorial to Great Famine dead could be erected in Co Armagh if motion wins council support
A memorial to those who died in the Great Famine in Co Armagh could be erected if a notice of motion...
6 years ago
Major race event to go ahead at People’s Park with fun run right up to marathon to choose from
Council has granted permission for a major running event at Portadown People’s Park which will also raise funds for a local...
6 years ago
Civic buildings across borough area to be lit up blue and yellow for World Down Syndrome Day
Today (Thursday) marks World Down Syndrome Day – an awareness event right across the globe. And to mark it in the...
6 years ago
Council sees bigger picture and bins bid to erect £3,000-a-pop yellow frames after online backlash
Council has seen the bigger picture and binned a proposal to erect yellow steel ‘selfie’ frames across the borough after an...
6 years ago
Dog Championship to be staged at Co Armagh public park with trade stands and catering on site
Permission has been given for a dog championship show to be held at Lurgan Park in the summer. The event –...
6 years ago
Heart & Sole Colour Dash is back for 2019!
It’s back! The hugely popular Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council’s Heart & Sole Colour Dash 2019 will be bursting...
6 years ago
New KFC drive-thru to bring up to 40 full and part-time jobs to the borough
A new £1 million drive-thru restaurant – which would create up to 40 jobs – could be on the way to...
6 years ago
That’s a wrap! ABC Council to condense its achievements of first four years into a two-minute video
Council is hoping to condense its key achievements over the past four years into a two-minute corporate video. It will be...
6 years ago
In Pictures: Council host International Women’s Day event
More than 100 students and guests from a variety of organisations and schools across the borough had the enviable opportunity to...
6 years ago
In Pictures: Council host International Women’s Day event
More than 100 students and guests from a variety of organisations and schools across the borough had the enviable opportunity to...
6 years ago
Council to decide whether or not to continue backing Navan Fort in joint World Heritage bid
ABC Council is to decide if it wishes to continue to back Navan Fort as part of a possible collective future...