All posts tagged "Daisy Hill Hospital"
5 years ago
Hospital staff introduce Zoom calls for parents to read bedtime stories to babies in neonatal unit
Parents with newborns in the neonatal unit have been able to speak to and see their babies thanks to some innovative...
5 years ago
Concerns raised as hospital admissions in Daisy Hill and Craigavon hospitals drop
Hospitals in the Southern Trust have witnessed a sudden and surprising drop-off in admissions, despite the global Covid-19 pandemic. It is...
5 years ago
Pipers from award-winning Co Armagh band to ‘salute our local heroes’ outside Daisy Hill
A Co Armagh pipe band is playing a special music tribute to celebrate the work of the NHS. Bessbrook Crimson Arrow...
5 years ago
Southern Trust bring in 54 medical students to support teams at Craigavon and Daisy Hill
The Southern Trust has fast-tracked 54 medical students into the system to help staff out at the two main hospitals in...
5 years ago
Daisy Hill Hospital emergency department to close ‘temporarily’ on Saturday
Daisy Hill Hospital in Newry will close temporarily from Saturday to help deal with the growing Covid-19 pandemic. Newry and Armagh...
5 years ago
Prison for Markethill man who assaulted two police officers who took him to Daisy Hill Hospital
A Markethill man who assaulted two officers after they conveyed him to hospital over health concerns has been sentenced to five...
5 years ago
Hospital car park costs to be cut from £1.20 to 40p for first 70 minutes to aid ‘quicker turnover’
Car parking charges at Craigavon and Daisy Hill Hospials would be cut back from £1.20 to 40p for the first 70...
5 years ago
Further parking enforcement to be introduced at Daisy Hill Hospital
From Monday onwards car parking enforcement at Daisy Hill will be extended to a small area around the waste compound at...
5 years ago
Barber Gary to give lift to hospital patients with kind offer of visit to provide haircut and shave
A Portadown barber has won the hearts of Co Armagh after offering to visit local hospitals to give patients a mood-lifting...
5 years ago
Closures and cancellations in Armagh and beyond tomorrow as 24-hour strike takes hold
Major disruption can be expected at hospitals and health care facilities across the Trust throughout tomorrow as health workers embark on...
5 years ago
Top doctor asks hospital visitors to stay away unless necessary after rise in bugs and infections
A senior doctor has asked hospital visitors to stay away as bugs in the community increase. Dr Maria O’Kane, Southern Trust...
5 years ago
Celebrating Pharmacy Technicians at Craigavon and Daisy Hill hospitals
The Southern Trust has celebrated National Pharmacy Technician day with showcase events at both Craigavon and Daisy Hill hospitals. Pharmacy technicians...