/ 6 years agoChampion fundraiser Sean to run Dublin Marathon for dementia projects in memory of his mum
A Co Armagh man is preparing to take part in his first ever Dublin Marathon to raise money for dementia projects...
/ 6 years agoPolice called in after child finds drugs at play park in Armagh city
Drugs have been found by a child playing at a play park in Armagh. Police were called to the play area...
/ 6 years agoTeen punched man to the head at petrol station before turning anger on victim’s car
An Armagh teenager punched the head of another in a petrol station car park before taking his anger out on his...
/ 6 years agoABC Councillors receive top NI Local Government awards
Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough collected two awards at the recent Northern Ireland Local Government awards held in Armagh City...
/ 6 years agoPictured: The Sherlocks wow crowd with intimate Armagh gig
Rising band The Sherlocks wowed a packed house with an intimate gig in Armagh city on Wednesday morning. The Sheffield alternative...
/ 6 years agoArmagh man caught drink driving twice in space of three days
An Armagh who was caught drink driving twice in the space of three days has been banned from the road for...
/ 6 years agoRevealed: The famous five set to get blue plaque honour in native Co Armagh
Five famous Armachians are to be honoured with blue plaques marking their birthplace. Armagh actor Patrick Magee – who died in...
/ 6 years agoArmagh man’s ultimatum: Stay out of trouble or risk spending Christmas in prison
An Armagh man has been told to complete his community service and stay out of trouble or risk spending Christmas in...
/ 6 years agoNew ‘autism quiet hours’ confirmed for Armagh’s Orchard Leisure Centre
New ‘quiet hour’ sessions are to be introduced at the Orchard Leisure Centre. It is a first for the Armagh venue...
/ 6 years agoSouthern Trust running free stress control classes
The Southern Trust is running free Stress Control classes in Armagh, Craigavon, Lurgan and Newry. If you are currently suffering from...
/ 6 years agoArmagh man charged with attempted murder left victim in vegetative state, court hears
An Armagh man charged with attempted murder has had an application for bail turned down on Tuesday morning. Mantas Pilyponis, 26,...
/ 6 years agoAnger as Southern Trust underspends by £7m in learning disabilities services
An Armagh woman has spoken of her deep anger after it was revealed the Southern Trust underspent by £7million in services...