A care home in Armagh has been given a month to improve standards, after concerns were raised by the health watchdog over patient care and safety.
The unannounced inspection of Orchard Lodge Care Home was carried out on August 25 by the Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority (RQIA).
The home, at Desart Lane South, is owned by Kathryn Homes.
In a report, inspectors noted a “lack of effective managerial, monitoring and governance arrangements”.
They said the “lack of robust management arrangements were found to be impacting on the safe and effective delivery of care to patients”.
The report added: “It was evident that systems and processes to ensure the safe and effective management of modified food and fluid and bedrails were not robust.
“Significant concerns were identified regarding the management of patients on modified diets. Care records contained conflicting information and care plans were not consistently updated to reflect changes to the assessed needs of patients.
“Staff supporting patients requiring modified diets were unaware of the specific requirements around supervision or the detrimental effect that a lack of supervision could have on a patient’s health and well-being.”
The inspection also concluded, following a review of records and discussion with nursing staff, that there was “a lack of understanding of how to use bed rail risk assessments to inform decision making and care planning and in regard to the principles of consent and best interests decisions for patients”.
Deficiencies in infection prevention and control (IPC) were also identified in relation to staff knowledge and practice regarding hand hygiene, use of personal protective equipment (PPE), the wearing of nail polish and jewellery.
Kathryn Homes was issued with a failure to comply notice on September 8 and given a deadline of October 20 to address the issues.
Orchard Lodge Care Home was previously run by the troubled Runwood Homes group, but was taken over by Kathryn Homes.
Kathryn Homes was contacted for comment.