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Armagh firm given green light to extend manufacturing premises

AW Controls in Armagh

Armagh company, AW Control Systems Ltd – also known as AW Controls – have been granted permission for an extension to their existing electrical engineering workshop.

The company, which specialises in design, manufacture, installation and commissioning of automated control systems, is based at 92 Moy Road, Armagh.

The extension to the current operation will enable the company to form an additional production facility for the manufacture of electronic control systems.

As part of the approved planning application, the existing car park will be extended, and new fencing will be provided.

The planning application was lodged by Hamill Architects, Dungannon Enterprise Centre, on behalf of AW Controls.

ABC planning officers wrote in their report: “The application site is located to the side and rear of the existing premises at 92 Moy Road, and is accessed via an existing access from Moy Road, via the existing car park.

“The proposal would be as additional production and manufacturing space for the business.

“The extensions measures 18 x 12 metres in size, with a ridge height of 8 metres which is aligned to the other buildings.

“The extension is of a similar scale to the existing buildings and exerts no greater harm in terms of scale, size or materials.

“The building integrates satisfactorily, due to its location behind the primary group of buildings when viewed from Moy Road.

“The building is therefore subordinate to the existing buildings on the site, and considered to be in proportion to the existing buildings.

“Officers consider that the proposed development would integrate as part of the overall development.

“The proposed development is not considered to be a major expansion of an existing industrial enterprise, and the new measures to integrate the development into the countryside are considered to be acceptable.

“Officers consider the existing yard and the proposed extension provide ample space for parking and servicing arrangements for lorries at the site.”

As is customary for this type of operation, some restrictions have been imposed to ensure that noise disruption is kept to a minimum.

The report states: “The hours of operation shall be restricted to Monday to Friday, 7.30am to 5.30pm, with no operations on the site on a Saturday, Sunday and public holidays, to protect the amenity of neighbouring dwellings.

“Vehicle movements and deliveries to and from the site shall not be permitted between the hours of 11pm and 7am.

“There shall be no external noise-generating plant nor activity outside the building. Plant shall be within the building at all times.

“The doors to the building shall be kept closed at all times during operation of the facility, other than for the entry or egress of materials.”

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