An Armagh man fined £100 for driving without insurance told the court it was down to his “own stupidity”.
The 30-year-old from Aghavilly Road, appeared at Armagh Magistrates’ on Tuesday charged with driving with no insurance.
The incident occurred at lunchtime on December 6, last year, a Vauxhall Insignia was flagged up by police in a routine check as having no insurance while driving along the Portadown Road.
Police did not stop the car at the time but did go to the address of the registered keeper who was the defendant.
He then told police that he did not know that it had expired.
The 30-year-old represented himself in court and told District Judge Paul Copeland that his no insurance was down to “my own stupidity”.
He added that “two hours later I was insured”.
Judge Copeland stated that he had to give the defendant six penalty points as it was the minimum he could give.
Baird was also ordered to pay a fine of £100, along with the offender’s levy of £15.