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Markethill mum and three sons celebrate Autism Awareness Week with third annual fundraiser

Sebastian was asked by Markethill Primary School to attend the official opening of the sensory room on Tuesday March 4 for his 2024 effort which saw him complete 99 impressive laps totalling a whopping 99km/61 miles in just seven days

A Markethill mum-of-three is preparing to engage in her third annual fundraiser, this time with the hope of raising money for Lisanally Special School in Armagh.

For the last three years Elena Eke has celebrated Autism Acceptance Week by raising money for charitable causes that support the needs of children living with autism and other special educational needs.

Once again, from March 31 to April 6, Elena and her three young sons, David, Sebastian and Louis will be undertaking a seven day fundraising challenge.

David (9) and Sebastian (13) have both been diagnosed with autism and this “very important mission” holds deeply personal significance for the family as David attends Lisanally Special School – where Elena said he is cared for beyond comparison.

The school is situated in Armagh city and welcomes pupils from the wider Armagh area and beyond. Their pupils range from four to 19 years with a wide range of special talents and abilities.

Together as a family they will be walking, scooting and cycling five laps, every day for seven days, around The Mall, Armagh. Elena will complete five laps on foot while the boys will scoot and cycle “much more than five!”

The reason for the effort is twofold. In the first instance, Elena would love to see a target of £800 raised for Lisanally – a school she said has “more than doubled in size in the last five years” and is always working to provide “age-appropriate resources” for their pupils.

“One of the areas school would like to improve is age-appropriate outdoor equipment, suitable for their pupils, including scooters, trikes and a wheelchair swing,” explained the mum.

“However, like many special needs schools, Lisanally relies on fundraising efforts of their staff, parents and friends to supplement its resources and provide the best possible education and support for its students.

“Every penny raised from this seven day challenge will be used to enhance new playground resources for these amazing children at Lisanally.

“So please join us on this important mission during Autism Acceptance Week to ensure that every child at Lisanally Special School has the best possible education and support.

At last year’s challenge on the Mall Elena with David, Louis (in pram) and Sebastian

“Together, we can make a profound impact and empower all students to achieve their full potential.”

The second reason for the challenge is to raise awareness for people living with autism, to highlight the condition and to help people understand the importance of a little kindness and patience.

Last year they conducted a similar effort on behalf of Sebastian’s school Markethill Primary, where they raised over £700 towards a new school sensory room, and Elena said: “It was brilliant! So many people came up to us and asked questions about what we were doing.

“Our T-shirts that we have made are quite vibrant and I think it makes people aware that something is going on.”

And, that interaction is very much welcomed by Elena. For her, it all feeds in to helping people better understand the condition.

“It’s so important to keep raising awareness,” she added. “It’s about being kind to different minds and asking questions, understanding autism and what makes these children so wonderful.

“We need to be celebrating their achievements and recognising their skills.”

Sebastian was asked by Markethill Primary School to attend the official opening of the sensory room on Tuesday March 4 for his 2024 effort which saw him complete 99 impressive laps totalling a whopping 99km/61 miles in just seven days.

Elena champions her community, which she said has been “incredible”, paying particular thanks to Alister and the team at Cycleology who continue to store Sebastian’s bike to help alleviate the stress of transportation for Elena.

A GoFundMe page has already raised over £600 at the time of writing and the family would be incredibly grateful for any donation – no matter how big or small.

And, if you see the team on the Mall during their challenge remember to give them your full encouragement with a clap, a wave or a “well done!”

Make a donation to Elena, David, Louis and Sebastian’s GoFundMe page here

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