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Mercury rising: Saharan heat bubble to send temperatures soaring

Armagh weather

Summer is finally here! And it’s all thanks to the rather scarily-dubbed Saharan heat bubble.

One Spanish forecaster tweeted “Hell is coming”, as temperatures across mainland Europe are set to peak at an eye-watering 44 degrees.

It might be a horror heatwave for those in France, Spain and Germany but fortunately for us in Co Armagh, we’ll be well away from the eye of the storm, with temperatures set to rise to a balmy 23 degrees tomorrow.

Friday will see a slight dip but we’re not turning our noses up at 21 degrees.

And the peak of 23 will come exactly (June 27) one year after Armagh recorded its highest ever temperature.

Mercury levels soared to a sweltering 30.4 degrees celsius – officially recorded at the weather station at Armagh Observatory.

An impressive readings given measurements began as far back as August 1843.

Termperatures will remain high right through into Saturday before making way for more modest weather – and highs of 16 degrees – on Sunday.

Thankfully those ‘lows’ will be short-lived with next week seeing the mercury hit 20 degrees–plus throughout the week.

So dust down those shorts and flip-flops for Summer is here!

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