A multi-million pound housing development off the Portadown Road in Armagh is currently under consideration.
The award-winning Lotus Homes – based in Banbridge – has submitted plans.
It will run beside Saints and Scholars Integrated Primary School, from which it would be separated by newly-planted trees and shrubs.
The development would consist of a total of 37 new properties.
These would sit to the rear and west of Killuney Park Road – the road which leads to Saints and Scholars IPS – and to the rear and east of Linsey’s Heights.
The housing scheme, if approved, would be separated from Linsey’s Heights by the existing hedgerow.
The access to the development would be close to the entrance to Saints and Scholars; a row of 10 facing properties would emerge on to the main centre of development – a circular development of homes surrounding a ‘village green’, as concept drawings show.
A total of 23 detached and 14 semi-detached properties would each come with their own garage and garden, and the application also includes landscaping and all associated works.
The site has previously seen planning approval given for residential purposes but this did not materialise.
Now there are fresh efforts to develop the site.
This is the latest proposal brought forward by Lotus Homes (UK), the company behind the £20 million development at Watsons Road/Dorans Hill in Newry, and a £17 million development of almost 250 new homes in Bessbrook.
An application for the development on the outskirts of the city is now with Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council for consideration.