A Dromore WWII Nissen hut is going to be turned into a pool hall and club – much to the delight of the residents of the market town who have embraced the plans with enthusiasm.
The planning application for the change of use was lodged by David Allison, Belsize Road, Lisburn, on behalf of Dylan Woolsey, Primrose Hill, Dromore, who is planning to install five pool tables within the venue.
The derelict venue, at 11 Mossvale Road, once housed a handkerchief embroidery factory. It is now vacant.
One lone objector contended that there are “more suitable buildings within Dromore town centre that could be repurposed”.
ABC planning officers ruled against that suggestion in their report: “The applicant was required to identify and demonstrate why alternative sites are not suitable, available or viable.
“The sequential site assessment submitted in support of the application identified two sites within the town centre, three outside the town centre and one edge-of-town centre that met with the defined criteria of the proposal.
“The applicant has gone through each of the sites that meet the defined criteria and ruled five of the six out.
“Officers are satisfied there are no suitable, available and viable sites within the town centre.
“In the absence of any such sites within the town centre, the application site therefore represents the next sequentially preferable location.”
The report goes on to state: “[The venue] is a single-storey, red/brown brick building with a tin roof.
“The application proposes to utilise and existing car park that serves Doggy Day Care to the rear of No 15 Mossvale Road.
“This car park has in excess of 20 undesignated parking spaces. The parking standards requires 12 spaces for the proposed development.
“There are a number of dwellings approximately 40 metres away on the same side of Mossvale Road from the site.
“Given the separation distance and other buildings in between, officers are satisfied that the pool hall will not adversely impact on residential amenity.
“In respect of noise associated with the parking arrangements for the site, officers in consultation with Environmental Health are satisfied that this is an existing car park, and the level of intensification in use associated with five pool tables will not result in a significant adverse impact on amenity by reason of noise.”
A maximum of 15 people (including staff) will be permitted to use the premises at any one time.
The hours of operation will be limited to Monday to Friday, 5pm to 11pm, and Saturday and Sunday, 11am to 11pm.
A floor warden will also have to be appointed prior to the development being occupied, in the interests of the safety of the users of the site.
Although the building is a very old and basic structure, all internal building work will have to meet current building regulatory standards, with disabled toilet facilities.
Upgraded wall partitions will be provided to form new spaces, and there are plans for a security/management office and customer services area.
With the exception of the one objector mentioned above, 40 letters of support were received.
Comments include the following: “As a local resident I feel that Dromore town needs more local business to open and bring life back into it”; “I believe the planning application has been submitted for the good of our community, to enable our mainly older children to have a safe space to enjoy an indoor activity and get them away from socialising on the streets”; “Dromore needs more things like this where dads and sons could go to shoot some pool”; “I believe that a pool hall would definitely improve the social life of the residents of Dromore, especially the younger ones, as at present the only pool tables are located in the public houses”; “It’s about time someone did something like this in Dromore, it’s a brilliant idea as the area is crying out for something like this”.
Other comments state: “This would be a great opportunity for the town, we had strikers when I was a child and I loved going to play pool and snooker with my father”; “The pool hall would be a great, safe place in the town to keep our young people off the streets and out of trouble. This is something the community has wanted for a long time and I feel it would be a fantastic addition”; “Well done to the people who are pursuing this project, the fact they are turning a basically derelict building Into a hub for all. Everyone in Dromore should get behind them, well done.”