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Calls for city link roads following traffic chaos into Armagh

Local Councillor Garath Keating has stated that lessons must be learned from the recent traffic chaos created by the closure of the Keady Road.

Speaking of the frustration of local motorists Councillor Keating said that “better planning, foresight and communication is required in respect of further major road closures.”

Speaking following prolonged periods of closure of the Keady Road’s Armagh bound lane, Councillor Keating said that the closure and resultant traffic diversion had created “severe traffic congestion and lengthy delays for motorists all around the west of the city.

“Roads Service must review the plans that were laid in place for these works and learn lessons for the future. Local people were not sufficiently informed of the closures and more must be done to try and ensure that works are done in a fashion which minimises disruption and closure.

“Given that much of this work was facilitating the laying of gas lines which will ultimately provide profit for commercial interests” raised Mr Keating, “it seems reasonable to expect that greater resources should be allocated to get the works completed in as short a time as possible to reduce the periods of closure and inconvenience to the public.

“Where diversions are necessary” he continued, “traffic management must be better assessed. In the current instance for example, temporary traffic lights at the give way junction between Umgola Road and the Killylea Road could have aided the flow of traffic and considerably reduced delays.

“Furthermore”, added Councillor Keating, “this provides further evidence, if any were needed that this City urgently requires progress on the East and West link ring road projects. Recent experience highlights that the current infrastructure is simply not fit for purpose at the best of times let alone when there are any additional pressures.”

With further major works scheduled in the City in the coming months Mr Keating suggested that minimising the disruption to road users must be the key priority.

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