Options for the long-term collection of waste across the borough – aimed at providing a single ‘harmonised” service to all areas – are to be drawn up.
At present, the three former council areas of Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon still operate different waste collection systems in terms of bins.
But the council is planning that that will change and wants to settle on the best way forward.
And this year – as the first full term of the ABC Council comes to a close – is the year in which it is hoped it will happen.
The council went out to tender for the provision of a business case and economic and options appraisal – at a cost of around £12,000 – for the collection of waste in the borough.
The assessment of the tender has been taking place today (Tuesday).
And at Tuesday evening’s environmental services committee, councillors will be asked to give officers the delegated authority to make an appointment to allow the matter to press forward.
The aim of the process, councillors have been told, is to “harmonise waste collection from residents, gaining the associated benefits this will bring”.
A report to committee explains: “The options paper will provide a breakdown of practical options for harmonisation, while providing members with financial and efficiency information on the options.
“The detail of the paper will assist members in their decision on how officers will implement the most appropriate harmonised waste collection service within the borough.”
Giving officers delegated authority to award the tender would allow enough time for the completed report to be brought back by he summer.
Committee will be told that a decision on the way forward for domestic waste collection be selected by council “within 2019”.
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