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Handbag stolen from car in Portadown as driver visited graves

Police in Portadown are appealing for information after a handbag was stolen from a car.

Constable Aaron McKenna explained: “On Sunday, 21 December, between 5.20pm and 5.40pm, a car was parked at Lylo Cemetery on Bluestone Road while its occupant visited graves.

“A white car pulled up beside the vehicle, smashed the window and took a handbag from the footwell before driving off. The handbag contained a sum of cash.

“We would like to hear from anyone who witnessed this incident or has information which could assist us. We can be contacted in Portadown on 101, quoting ref: 998211214.”

If you prefer to provide information without giving your details you can contact the independent Crimestoppers charity anonymously on 0800 555 111.

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