A health and well-being event will take place in Granemore this Saturday, October 22, with experts on hand to offer advice and information.
It has been organised by Granemore GAC and will take place in St Mary’s Community Hall.
The event is part of the club’s health and well-being programme, which aims to promote healthy lifestyles for players, volunteers and the wider community.
It will run from 10am to 1pm with a number of groups providing free and confidential information and advice.
They will include Cancer Focus, Samaritans, Dunlewey Addiction Services, Keady First Responders, Newtownhamilton Men’s shed, PIPS, Cruse Bereavement Support and Action Mental Health
People will also have the chance to register as a stem cell donor with Leukaemia & Lymphoma NI.
The need for steam cell donors has been widely publicised lately, including the successful appeal for a donor for Newry teenager Daniel Greer, and full information and advice will be available for those interested in becoming a donor.
The Farm Families Health Checks are already fully booked, but anyone wishing to avail of them should contact the club’s health and well-being officers as there is potential for another session later in the year.
Club members with an expertise in health will also be at hand to provide advice including Bronagh Ward (10-12) to check vision and health of eyes; Dr Ursula Conroy (10-12) who will provide information about menopause; Clara (10-12) from Tassagh Podiatry and Orla McBirney (10-12) who will be providing podiatry advice; and registered dietitian Darren McClelland (10-11.30) with advice on eating well.
Anyone wishing to make an appointment for Farm Families Health Checks or who requires any information should contact health and wellbeing officers Paula Rafferty on 07766604624, Sharon Hollywood on 07709 810166 or Roisin Molloy on 07840 159674.