Naíscoil an Chéide are hosting their open day for prospective pupils this Sunday, December 16 from 12pm to 2pm.
The open day is particularly for children born between 2/7/2015 and 1/7/2016, and who are starting pre-school in September 2019, however there is an open invitation to younger age groups from all sections of the community to come along to meet the staff and see the facilities and resources.
Keady’s Irish language pre-school has expanded over the last number of years, with extra staff and pupils joining the fully subscribed setting.
The Naíscoil has been providing top quality pre-school education to the Keady area as recognised by last year’s ETI inspection report, which stated the setting has a ‘high capacity’ for overall effectiveness.
The Naíscoil also have a number of community engagement and fundraising events coming up, including tonight (Friday), with a Children’s Christmas Movie Night, starting at 6.45pm in Keady GAA Pavilion.
Then, on Saturday, January 5, 2019 at 2pm in Basil Shiels, Tassagh, they are holding Nollaig na mBan or Women’s Christmas; the afternoon is run in conjunction with the Friends of Sliabh Fuait and includes High Tea, music and refreshments.
For more information on Naíscoil an Chéide or any of their events contact them on Facebook, telephone: 07754742106 or email: naiscoilancheide@yahoo.com
This article has been sponsored by Naíscoil an Chéide.