A Co Armagh father-of-four has been fined £300 for harassing a woman he was previously in a relationship with.
Craigavon Magistrates’ Court heard how the 43-year-old from Mourneview Park in Lurgan, on two separate occasions, contacted the woman in a harassing manner.
The first occasion occurred on June 13, last year when he left the woman a voicemail after he was specifically told to stop contacting her.
On July 17, he was warned by police to leave the woman alone, however, again on September 22, he once again made contact following an encounter, which involved some shouting, at a set of traffic lights.
Defence counsel told District Judge Bernie Kelly that his client had difficulty accepting the relationship had ended, adding that since the last incident, there had been no further contact at that the defendant had come to terms with the fact the pair were no longer together.
Judge Kelly fined him £300 as well as an offenders levy of £15. He was given 16 weeks to pay.