Planning permission has been granted for the erection of two dwellings to the rear and south of College Walk, Lurgan.
The planning application was lodged by Tony O’Hare, Plantation Road, Craigavon, on behalf of Conor Lavery, The Mill, Kilmaine Street, Lurgan.
ABC planners explain in their report the properties in question will be built in a prime residential area in Lurgan, in close proximity to Lurgan College: “The site is accessed through a 100m laneway between Nos. 4 & 5 College Walk, off the main Lough Road.
“College Walk is within an Area of Townscape Character and is predominately residential, with listed Lurgan College in close proximity.
“Surrounding house types are typically large, detached residences with landscaped grounds. Plans show that the 0.46 ha. rectangular plot is two sites within a larger housing concept.
“The site is in close proximity to listed building Lurgan College. Historic Environment Division (HED) are content that the building is sufficiently removed to remain unaffected by the development.

The new dwellings at College Walk will be in keeping with nearby houses in what is a high-end residential area. Credit: ABC planning portal
“Given the separation distances, orientation, scale and design, the proposed dwellings will not cause any unacceptable adverse effect upon neighbouring dwellings.
“The proposed density is not significantly higher than that found in the surrounding established residential area.
“The pattern of development is in keeping with the overall character and environmental quality of this established residential area, and the character of the area will not be altered by the current proposal.”

The houses will be built immediately south of 11 College Walk, Lurgan, and close to Lurgan College. Credit: ABC planning portal