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Malcolm McKeown murder accused to make pre-Christmas bail application

Court was told some forensics are not due until the end of January

Malcolm McKeown murder

Forensic reports have caused a delay in the case against two Lurgan men who are accused of the murder of Malcolm McKeown in Waringstown.

Court heard a forensic report on cartridge discharge residue in relation to a glove was due on January 6 but a ballistics report was not expected until late January.

Jake O’Brien, 24, of Rectory Road, and Andrew Martin, 24, of Trasna Way, appeared charged with murder at Craigavon Magistrates’ Court on Friday, via videolink from Maghaberry.

It was previously alleged that CCTV and forensic evidence had connected the two men to a vehicle believed to have been involved in the killing of the 54-year-old back in August.

Defence solicitor Peter Corrigan, who represented O’Brien, stated: “On the last occasion we were told it would be one week for committal papers to be received. We outlined that a bail application would be made if they were not served today.

“We have now been told that they will not be ready until, well we don’t have a date. Forensic reports are due in early January and another in late January.”

A bail application could not be made on this occasion as the prosecution claimed they had not been put on notice.

They outlined that a forensic report on cartridge discharge residue in relation to a glove was due on January 6 but a ballistics report was not expected until late January.

Mr Corrigan asked that his client’s case be listed in one week, on December 20, for a bail application.

Deputy District Judge Philip Mateer stated: “Mr O’Brien, your case is not at a stage to progress today. The prosecution say a full file will be available at the start of January but even this will not give a full picture as some forensics are not due until the end of January.”

O’Brien will appear on December 20 for a bail application, Martin had his case adjourned until January 10 for an update.

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