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Major £250,000 road scheme to begin in Camlough

Transport Minister Danny Kennedy has announced a major £250,000 road resurfacing scheme on the A25 Newry Road

The works will comprise of approximately 0.65kilometres of carriageway resurfacing of the A25 Newry Road through Camlough village, from south of the U1583, known as Hall Road, to just beyond C217 Chapel Road roundabout.

Work is due to start on 2 June and last for approximately 11 weeks.

Danny Kennedy said: “The improvements will provide new surfacing to the carriageways and footways and where necessary the drainage and associated works will also be improved.

“It is also envisaged that there will be some minor alterations to kerb lines to improve traffic progression through the village.”

In order to facilitate the works and ensure the safety of workers and the public, restricted lane widths and traffic control measures will be required to complete the works. Partial footway closures will be necessary to complete the works with pedestrians guided to use the opposite footway.

A road closure for the surfacing works will be effective in early August for two weeks. The exact dates and details of the closure will be advertised shortly.

During the works access will be available to local residents and businesses within the length of the work.

The scheme is expected to be substantially completed by the end of August 2014. This is subject to favourable weather conditions and the public will be informed of any change.

Work has been carefully programmed in order to minimise any inconvenience to the public. However motorists should be aware that some delays may be expected and that additional time should be allowed when planning any journeys.

Road users are also advised to obey the speed restrictions, the road closure and the direction signs at all times and to cooperate with site personnel in the interests of safety whilst these improvement works are being carried out.

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