Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council’s planners are currently considering an application seeking permission to bring 18 new homes to Glenanne.
Lodged by agent CDA-NI on behalf of applicant, JRW1, the application seeks permission to build a housing development consisting of four detached homes, 10 semi-detached homes and four townhouses at lands to the rear and 77m north east of 280 Mowhan Road, Glenanne.
According to the application form, the applicant owns or controls land adjoining the 0.83 hectare site which will require the construction of a new access to a public road for both pedestrians and vehicles.
If the plans come to fruition, 36 parking spaces will be provided on the site, which is currently in use as agricultural land. Water will be provided to the development via the mains network while surface water that gathers as a result of the development will be disposed of via the existing water course.
The site is not within an area of known flood risk and foul sewage from the development will be disposed of via a package treatment plant.
A quality initiative statement submitted as part of the application notes trees will be retained and added to the site with new three to five metre high mature tree belts to undefined boundaries of the site planned.
The plan is to “achieve a traditional varied edge to the countryside area with good tree planting and other associated distinctive treatments”, according to the statement.
“The undefined boundary abutting the remainder of the adjoining properties will require dense mature tree planting and incorporate a 1.8m high protective fencing with a colour finish of green,” it reads.
“The development shall consist of a varied number of house types of two storey dwellings neatly arranged with formal open private gardens with dwellings overlooking the proposed general open space throughout the scheme.
“The main development roads shall link to the existing Mowhan Road, with any required improved road widths and with all other associated works in conjunction with road service, as agreed.”
Lodged on May 15 and validated on June 12, the application’s neighbour consultation period is set to expire on Tuesday, July 4. Its standard consultation period will expire on Friday, July 21, while the application will also be advertised until Friday, July 21.