With a rise in the number of children coming into care in Northern Ireland, the Southern Health and Social Care Trust is urging more caring people to come forward who are interested in becoming foster carers or adoptive parents.
All children have a right to grow up in a safe, secure and caring family where they are nurtured and feel secure.
Children of all ages, cultures, religious and ethnic backgrounds are received into the care of the Southern Trust every year and whilst some are cared for on a short-term fostering basis and return home to the care of parents many children may
need a family for life through long-term fostering or adoption.
To coincide with Universal Children’s Day 2017, which is promoted by the UN General Assembly, the Southern Trust is hosting a Fostering & Adoption Information Evening on Thursday, November 23, 7-9pm at Canal Court Hotel, Merchants Quay, Newry, BT35 8HF.
The event is open to all members of the Public.
Colm McCafferty, Southern Trust Assistant Director of Children and Young People’s Services said: “If you are resilient, flexible and have the energy, time and commitment to care for a child, come along to the information evening to find out more.
“You will have the opportunity to speak to experienced foster carers and adopters, meet with social workers, learn more
about the children who are waiting for permanent families and ask as many questions as you need to.
“The information evening will share details about adoption and the different types of fostering that are required including emergency, respite, short term and long term care.
“I would like to assure anyone interested that we are dedicated to helping, supporting and providing training to foster carers and adopters in their caring role.
“There are no unwanted children. Just unfound families. Don’t rule yourself out.”
To find out more or register your interest call 028 38 337181 or email: fostering&adoption@southerntrust.hscni.net