Husband and wife Lee Ann and Gordon Dreyer are the human faces behind the well-known robot faces that handmade homeware and giftware store, Just Dandy have become famous for.
Based in Blacker’s Mill in Portadown, the entrepreneurial couple speak fondly of a business that affords them the “freedom” of childhood, where they can play with their imaginations, creating their unique and quirky products that result in a perfect marriage of the rustic and modern.
Life and business do not always marry so well and Lee Ann and Gordon, sadly faced that reality with the loss of their beloved son Jake in 2021.
Throughout everything, they have remained each other’s rocks and continue – Just Dandy – through life and business together.
Their former shop premises closed at the start of the Covid pandemic and it has since been converted into a workshop with all of their sales now completed online.
Why did you choose to be a business owner?
It wasn’t something we chose. It seemed to choose us. It started off as a creative hobby making jewellery that grew out of control.
We travelled all over South Africa, selling our goodies at arts and music festivals. It was such an amazing experience and we really loved what we were doing and the amazing vibe that went with it.
Then we moved back to Northern Ireland and we opened our shop, Just Dandy at Blacker’s Mill.
There were so many old machine parts, quirky salvage items and little bits of history lying around, and it just seemed such a shame not to use them.
With these interesting items we were able to create and expand our range. These old parts lent themselves so well to salvaged art… and this was how our little robots were born!
What are you most proud of in your career to date?
We love the fact that we have been able to turn our creative outlets into a small business.
But what makes it really special is hearing back from our customers.
We get emails or messages from customers telling us how happy they are with their items and how much something we made means to them. They rave about the little rubber ducks we send out too – they just love it.
Knowing we have created something that has made someone else smile makes us proud. We love that interaction with customers. It far outweighs any monetary value in the business.
What is your favourite thing about being an entrepreneur?
The freedom we have to just make fun things and play with our imaginations. You really get a chance to think like a child, to take a pile of junk and see something that fits together.
Nothing is ever a mistake. If it doesn’t work, you can just take it apart and change it into something that does. We have such a range of things we make, there is never a boring moment.
What has been the biggest challenge?
After we lost our son, Jake in 2021 we closed Just Dandy for a year. It was hard to be creative at the level needed and we didn’t want that to show in our product. We needed to take some time.
During that time we went to walk the Camino De Santiago. Starting in St Jean Pied du Port and ending in Finisterre 900km. It was one of our most favourite accomplishments and would definitely do it again.
When we got back home, we decided to reopen the business again. This was both challenging and humbling, starting our online business again after such a long break.
We worked hard and remembered everything we have learnt through our experiences.

The rubber ducks that Lee ann and Gordon send out with each order
What is the most helpful advice that you have been given?
Someone once said to me: “With every decision you have to make it’s important to look at what the outcome may be. It’s your choice. If you say no to something… what are you saying yes to in your own life? And if you say yes to something what are you saying no to in your own life?”
It struck a chord, you have to do what makes you happy in your own life.
If you could choose anything else to do, what would it be?
Lee ann: I’d be moss on a rock, that looks like a peaceful vocation.
Gordon: I’d be the rock… or maybe teach.
What do you think your best quality is?
Gordon: “Lee Ann’s best quality is her open and playful imagination. If you can think it you can make it. It’s very inspiring.”
Lee Ann: “Gordon’s best quality is always seeing the positive in a situation. There is always a solution to the problem.”
Name three things that you like doing outside of work..
Lee Ann: Sitting next to trees, looking for rocks and digging in mud piles.
Gordon: Music, spending time with friends.
Tell us about a secret skill that we don’t know you have.
Lee Ann: Bringing plants home from the garden centre to wilt and die.
Gordon: I’m tall so can reach things in high places.
What is your most prized possession?
Lee Ann: My massive wooden Indian head sculpture. It has lived on top of every fridge I have ever owned.
Gordon: Spotify Account. Couldn’t be without it.
What is your favourite food?
Lee Ann: Gordon’s BBQ
Gordon: BBQ
What is your favourite book?
Lee Ann: Adam Kay – This Is Going To Hurt.
Gordon: Anything Terry Pratchett
What are you currently watching?
If you were to watch a band/singer live, who would it be?
There’s this Australian band called Pierce Brothers. By far the best live act we’ve ever seen.
Dead or alive, who would you most want to meet and why?
Lee Ann: Iris Apfel. The way she used colour and texture unapologetically was inspirational.