This is the moment a thief makes off with a large sum of cash from a car parked outside a store in south Armagh on Friday.
The opportunist thief struck around 12.15pm outside Mulkerns Eurospar on the Forkhill Road, on the outskirts of Newry city.
The footage shows the owner of the car – Mary McDonald – approach the car with shopping.
The car – a black old-style Astra – then speeds off with the owner giving futile chase.
Posting the footage on social media Ms McDonald warned people to be vigilant.
She explained: “This is how quick those scumbags got my bag at Mulkerns Eurospar last Friday.
“I had obviously been targeted after withdrawing a substantial sum from bank in Newry and followed.
“A hard learned lesson but central locking on wouldn’t have made a difference they were going get my bag.
“I am thankful they got it when they did otherwise I would have been followed home. Scumbags were at my house on Saturday night.
“It is too late for me but please everyone be aware of who and what is about you, as you can see from the video these low lives only need seconds to destroy you.”
Police are continuing their appeal for information.
The assailant is being described as a stocky male with black hair.
It is understood he made off in a black old-style Astra with possible reg 03W2381.
If there are any sightings, or you have an information, please call police on 101 with the reference 508 250119.
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